
Counseling for young adults

Boca Raton, FL

We Can Help You Overcome Your Struggles

You've noticed that you're struggling and may need counseling help

It can be hard to accept that you're struggling inside. You may be experiencing feelings of depression, anxiety, anger and more and don't know how to deal with it. 

In this day and age, there is so much pressure on young adults to have their life together. You may see your peers having successful careers, buying homes and forming relationships. You may feel lost and stressed that you haven't reached the same stage in life as them. Maybe you feel like your life is turbulent and past trauma that you never dealt with has come back with a vengeance. A vicious cycle of overwhelm can occur and it becomes so difficult to reach out for help. You find yourself isolating from others, not wanting to discuss your feelings of struggle, leading to depressive thoughts and loneliness.    

You never thought you would end up in this dark place, but now you want to overcome it.

It is not uncommon for young adults to go through periods of self-doubt and struggle to cope with the expectations of society, but you didn't think it would be this hard to manage. 

You want to step out of this dark space and come to terms with the emotional rollercoaster you're feeling, so that you can develop the necessary skills needed to overcome those feelings.

And this is the first step.

Do You Need Therapy?

Counseling for young adults is best for those who are twenty-somethings and are experiencing feelings of depression, anxiety and more. 


You feel constantly worried and fearful. The endless repetitive thoughts make you feel nervous, restless and tense. You may even suffer from headaches, stomach aches, rapid breathing with no other causes. You feel panicked and have difficulty controlling your feelings of worry.


You find it difficult to control your anger and have become easily irritable. You find yourself lashing out at others and have become verbally/physically aggressive. It can be hard for you to maintain close relationships because of your anger.


You have a depressed mood and recurrent feelings of sadness on majority of days. You've lost interest in activities you previously enjoyed and found that your sleeping and eating habits have changed. You've started isolating yourself and are prone to emotional outbursts. 


You feel the need to compare yourself to your peers on social media and care deeply about how you are perceived by others. You find yourself endlessly scrolling through feeds and it affects your ability to sleep well. You feel attached to your screen and it impacts your mood.

Relationship problems

You have a history of unsuccessful relationships and find it hard to maintain a healthy one. You may fear being rejected or abandoned by your significant other which leads to you avoiding relationships. You may find yourself becoming heavily reliant on them or have boundary issues and act intense and chaotic.

Sexual identity

You're questioning your sexuality and may be having same-sex crushes. You may feel doubtful about your sexual identity or are afraid of being judged. You want to understand if this is your true self and you want the people in your life to accept your decision-making.

gender identity

You are asking yourself big questions like 'who am I?' and may feel like you want to identify with being non-binary or want to change your pronouns. You want to feel confident that this is your true self and you want to feel accepted by your loved ones around you. 


from family

You understand that you are an adult now and would like to become independent from your family. You want to gain confidence to stop relying on them and take control of your own life. They may be interfering in your life or making your decisions for you so you want to take the reins from them.

Feeling Directionless

You feel lost and like your life has no direction. You see your peers have their life together and you feel like you are all over the place in comparison. You are unsure about what steps to take to find the right life path for you and want to feel confident in yourself.


You find yourself having a hard time concentrating and staying on task. You get bored easily and find yourself constantly fidgeting. You get stressed easily and find it difficult to stay organized or stick to your plans. You may have a history of struggling in school and may feel misunderstood by others. 


You start withdrawing from others and feel disconnected and numb on a regular basis. You feel insecure, unsafe, worried and you stress about the future. Your memory is not as sharp as it used to be and certain triggers make you panic.


Research shows that 80% of those suffering with depression will recover in one year with treatment. We care a lot about your mental health. When you come to us for counseling, you will:

  • Learn new skills to manage your emotions and intrusive thoughts, so that you can overcome situations that make you upset.
  • Understand what triggers you and keeps you stuck so that you can push forward.
  • Developing your personal values to build a purposeful life.
  • Learn to express yourself in a healthy way and normalize situations.
  • Work towards being able to independently take care of your mental health. 

What Our Counseling For Young Adults Process Looks Like

Week 1

  • Build the therapist-client relationship.
  • Gather information about you, your history and the current challenges you face.
  • Decide the goals of therapy and offer recommendations for the best ways of moving forward together. 

Week 2 & Onward

Adult Therapy
  • Use evidence-backed methods to help you through the struggles you face. 
  • Focus on creating a safe, supportive environment for you to overcome challenges. 
  • Provide guidance and track progress.

Final Sessions

  • Review the counseling goals and ensure you are happy with your progress. 
  • Create a plan for continued progress outside of therapy.
  • Close the therapeutic relationship and assess that your expectations of counseling have been met.

What Makes Us Different

We put our relationship with you first and back it up with high-quality, research-supported approaches. We lead with authenticity and work hard to relate to you on your level. Our approach to treatment is fully individualized because you are unique. The most common evidence-based methods we include are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI). 

Cognitive Bheavioral Theapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps children broaden their thinking and learn new ways of responding to difficult thoughts and emotions. Children develop a tool-kit of skills to take care of their own mental health and coach themselves through difficult times.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

ACT is a mindfulness-based behavior therapy that is highly action-focused. You will learn new ways of dealing with difficult thoughts, emotions and challenges so that they have less impact and influence on you as you commit to positive change that improves your life. 

 Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is especially effective because it helps you figure out your own barriers and increase motivation to change. The approach is especially helpful for clients who are doubtful about changing but who know that they need to. 

Frequently asked questions

Do I need counseling or coaching?

If you feel like your struggles are impacting your mental health and daily life than counseling is a more appropriate option. Life Coaching is a growth-focused service designed to help people 'level up' and achieve personal goals. 

How often should I attend therapy?

The process of change takes time and consistent treatment is critical for success. We recommend once/week sessions until you are achieving your goals. Sessions can gradually reduce when goals have been achieved and you are working to maintain progress. 

Will my parents be involved in therapy?

It is not uncommon for young adults to attend counseling with encouragement and financial support from family. However, you are a legal adult with full rights to confidentiality. Under no circumstance will your therapist breach confidentiality without your consent with exception of court ordered mandates and abuse of minors or elders. Young Adults who wish to have others involved in their treatment must give signed consent.

Why don't you accept insurance?

There are many drawbacks to working with insurance providers. Not only do insurance companies control the length of treatment but they require the therapist to label you with a clinical diagnosis and this stays on your permanent medical health record. Being that many people attend therapy for help with relationships, behavior, and overcoming situational challenges, labeling them with a diagnosis would be unethical and potentially harmful. 

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