
Child Therapy

Boca Raton, FL

We Make Growing Up Easier For Children and Parents

You've noticed your child is struggling and may need counseling help

Your child is the most important part of your life and it's painful to watch when they struggle. You've tried offering support but nothing seems to help. 

Your child is not the same as they were. Maybe they've gone from listening well to tuning you out. Or maybe you see your child buckling under stress. They're pulling back from things they used to love and you're watching that light in their eyes fade away. Suddenly, they are no longer a no-worries kid. They get mad or sad over the smallest things. 

The child you love seems lost and you're trying to figure out how to help them find their way. 

You know that they have so much potential, but you don't know how to get them to see past the negativity that is keeping them stuck. 

Every kid will go through the emotional rollercoaster of growing up. But you didn't expect it to effect them as much as it has. Right now you are all getting by, but you don't want things to spin much further out of hand.

Lets put it this way, you're facing the first major obstacles in your child's life and it's time to help them rise to the challenge.

Does My Child Need Therapy?

Counseling for children is best for those who are ages 5-12 and going through social, emotional or behavioral challenges. If you are the parent of a teenager, please check out our teen counseling services here. 

Anxious Kids

Your child worries and is fearful a lot. Maybe they complain about stomachaches or headaches but you can't find a cause. They are perfectionistic and spend excessive time on simple tasks. They struggle when they meet new people and are uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations.

Angry kids

Your child expresses their anger physically. They become disrespectful, especially toward authority figures. They have a hard time calming down and are easily triggered. They put up walls with others and won't let people in. They walk around irritated and you often feel on eggshells. 

Depressed kids

Your child seems especially sensitive and has a hard time managing their emotions. They are prone to outbursts and are frequently irritable. Maybe you've seen changes in their sleep or eating habits. They no longer spend time doing fun activities or socializing like before.  

ADhd kids

Your child has a hard time focusing and is easily bored. Maybe they struggle academically and find it difficult to sit still. They seem constantly in motion both physically and mentally. They have a habit of acting without thought and they talk excessively at the wrong times. 

kids with behavior issues

Your child has a hard time listening and following instructions. They refuse to do what you tell them and you find yourself in conflict a lot. Maybe they struggle in school and have a hard time making and keeping friends. You've tried discipline tactics but nothing seems to work. 

child trauma

Your child has been through difficult things in the past and you see that it's effecting them now. Maybe they are pulling back from people, places or activities. They've become avoidant and often express feeling insecure or unsafe. They worry a lot about the future. 


Research shows that half of all mental health disorders start by 14 years of age. Because of this, early intervention is necessary and can make a long term difference to your child's wellbeing. We care a lot about the health of your child. When you come to us for child therapy your child will:

  • Learn new ways of handling situations and dealing with their thoughts and feelings when they are upset.
  • Figure out the cause of their struggles, so they can start to deal with them in a new way.
  • More positively express themselves and normalize situations.
  • Contribute to a more peaceful home environment by learning to appropriately name and express how they feel.
  • You should notice a change in how they are doing in school and life.
  • Discover how awesome they are and be able to express themselves more confidently. 
play therapy boca raton

What Our Counseling For Children Process Looks Like

Week 1

  • Build the therapist-child relationship.
  • Gather information about your child, their history and the current challenges. 
  • Decide the goals of therapy and offer recommendations for the best ways of moving forward together. 

Week 2 & Onward

Child Therapy
  • Use evidence-backed methods to help your child through the struggles they face. 
  • Focus on creating a safe, supportive environment for children and parents to overcome challenges. 
  • Provide guidance to parents and formal coaching sessions as needed. 

Final Sessions

  • Review the counseling goals and ensure you are happy with your child's progress. 
  • Create a plan for continued progress outside of therapy.
  • Close the therapeutic relationship and assess that your expectations of counseling have been met.

What Makes Us Different

We put our relationship with you and your child first and back it up with high-quality, research-supported approaches. We lead with authenticity and work hard to relate to your child on their level. Our approach to treatment is fully individualized because your child is unique. The three most common evidence-based methods we include are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Play Therapy, and Parent Coaching. 

Cognitive Bheavioral Theapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps children broaden their thinking and learn new ways of responding to difficult thoughts and emotions. Children develop a tool-kit of skills to take care of their own mental health and coach themselves through difficult times.

Play Therapy

Play therapy helps lower the barriers that make it hard for kids to share their emotions and problems with adults. Through play therapy we are able to gain new insights about your child and help them find more appropriate ways of expressing themselves. 

 Parent Coaching

Parent coaching teaches positive parenting methods to support caregivers in managing issues related to their children. Parent coaching is designed to foster better communication and connection so that caregivers feel confident in their ability to support their child. 

Frequently asked questions

What if my child doesn't want counseling?

It is not uncommon for children to resist counseling services. Overcoming barriers to counseling is a normal part of the process and should not deter parents from getting professional help. We are skilled at working through these kinds of barriers with children and, while you should expect the process to take more time, it is likely that your child will benefit from therapy. 

How often should my child attend therapy?

The process of change takes time and consistent treatment is critical for success. We recommend once/week sessions until your child is achieving their goals. Sessions can gradually reduce in frequency when our goal shifts to maintain progress. 

What is the parent involvement in Child Therapy?

The extent of parent involvement depends on the age of your child and the nature of their struggles. We try to offer a reasonable amount of confidentiality so that your child feels comfortable to take an emotional risk in counseling. Some clients benefit from counseling sessions with a parent in the room, while others do better in a private session with their therapist. We always inform parents of safety issues and will involve parents in counseling to the extent necessary for achieving our goals. 

Why don't you accept insurance?

There are many drawbacks to working with insurance providers, especially with underage clients. Not only do insurance companies control the length of treatment but they require the therapist to label your child with a clinical diagnosis and this stays on their permanent medical health record. Being that many children go to therapy for help with relationships, behavior, and overcoming situational challenges, labeling them with a diagnosis would be unethical and potentially harmful. 

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